How to Make Rhinestone T-shirts

Great I Am Boutique has produced an on-demand video that will show you how to start your very own Rhinestone T-shirt Business. This on-demand video will teach the tips and strategies that will help you be successful in your business. You will learn about the industry, start-up costs, equipment, tools/supplies, wholesalers and "top secrets" that will take years off your learning curve. A rhinestone t-shirt business is one of the easiest and ideal solutions for anyone looking to make money from home or at a physical location. This business is full of unlimited possibilities with unlimited income potential. "How to Start a Rhinestone T-shirt Business" on-demand video will show you step-by-step what it takes to be successful. This is a must see video!

View this on-demand video for only $47... This video is valued at $297. For a "limited time" you will receive the video for only $47. This is your opportunity to learn how to start a rhinestone t-shirt business. Go ahead and order "Bling Bling Brings in the Green" NOW!

Bonus: In addition to viewing "Bling Bling Brings in the Green: How to Start a Rhinestone T-shirt Business" on-demand video, you will also receive 30 minutes of FREE Bling Consultation. Bling Consultation normally cost $50.00 per 1/2 hour. However, as a bonus you will receive 30 minutes of consultation for FREE!

All of this is yours today for only $47. Go ahead and order "Bling Bling Brings in the Green" and learn how to start your very own rhinestone t-shirt business. Order Now!

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Go ahead and watch the video in its entirety. If you do not learn anything from the video & from the 1/2 hour of FREE consultation, we will give you a refund.

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How to Start a Rhinestone T-Shirt Business

Would you like to make $10,000 in a month?* Do you want a business that can be part-time or full-time? Would you like the convenience of working from home or at a physical location? If yes, then starting a Rhinestone T-Shirt Business is for you.

Great I Am Boutique has produced an on-demand video that will show you how to start your very own Rhinestone T-shirt Business. This on-demand video will teach the tips and strategies that will help you be successful in your business. You will learn about the industry, start-up costs, equipment, tools/supplies, wholesalers and "top secrets" that will take years off your learning curve. A rhinestone t-shirt business is one of the easiest and ideal solutions for anyone looking to make money from home or at a physical location. This business is full of unlimited possibilities with unlimited income potential. "How to Start a Rhinestone T-shirt Business" on-demand video will show you step-by-step what it takes to be successful. This is a must see video!

View this on-demand video for only $47... This video is valued at $297. For a "limited time" you will receive the video for only $47. This is your opportunity to learn how to start a rhinestone t-shirt business. Go ahead and order "Bling Bling Brings in the Green" NOW!

Bonus: In addition to viewing "Bling Bling Brings in the Green: How to Start a Rhinestone T-shirt Business" on-demand video, you will also receive 30 minutes of FREE Bling Consultation. Bling Consultation normally cost $50.00 per 1/2 hour. However, as a bonus you will receive 30 minutes of consultation for FREE!

All of this is yours today for only $47. Go ahead and order "Bling Bling Brings in the Green" and learn how to start your very own rhinestone t-shirt business. Order Now!

Cast Iron Guarantee:
100% Risk-Free

Go ahead and watch the video in its entirety. If you do not learn anything from the video & from the 1/2 hour of FREE consultation, we will give you a refund.

For more info:

Life Equals Risk

Life is much more fun if you follow your dreams. See video below of people who followed their dreams and succeeded.

Live with Passion

Don't let the train of life pass you by. You are meant to board it. Even if it means having to run passionately just to get in. With passion, the obstacles, the challenges and the adversities only make the journey more exciting and accomplishments even more thrilling. God made the life eternal not because he wanted us to take it for granted or consider it without much value, or postpone it to tomorrow. He made it endless, so that we could dare to take risks, make mistakes to learn from, and live life to the hilt in the top gear. Life is not forever. There are no tomorrows in it. All that we have is today and more precisely, this moment! If you miss it, you miss it forever. Wake up. Allow yourself to be taken over by the storm called passion. Start tasting the joy of living!

by Anil Bhatnagar

Keep Your Eyes On The Prize

Action is fierce.
Action does not give up.
Action prepares you for opportunity.

One of the most common vision killers (and joy stealers) is being distracted from the action you're supposed to take. When you take your eyes off of Jesus and what He's placed in your heart, your strength will fail.

Romans 12:4-8 says, "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully."

In other words, stay in your lane. Do what God has placed in your heart to do, and let others do what's in theirs.

Another common dream killer is failing to tap into the anointing and power of God. Romans 8:19 says that the whole creation waits for the revealing of the sons and daughter's of the Most High God. That's you and me. The same power that raised Christ from the grave is available to you and I today. We have to tap into that anointing and power. Not just tap into it a little bit, but let our entire lives be influenced by God's anointing.

Don't block your anointing by trying to do everything in your own strength. As God's children, God's anointing is available to us all, but it is up to us to invite Him in to help and strengthen us. Sometimes we let our own guilt and shame keep us from seeking God's anointing. This is ridiculous. God loves us all equally, and no one is more entitled to God's anointing more than another. The Bible says that once we ask for forgiveness, all of our sins are on the ocean floor. We can't let guilt keep us from flourishing in God.

Be careful, though. You can have incredible vision, purpose, scriptural knowledge and more; but, if you do not forgive yourself once God has forgiven you, you will not be able to completely fulfill your vision. Avoid these other vision killers, too: thinking someone else can do it better, fear, lack of drive, insecurity and jealousy.

We get to come to the Father daily and give him all of these issues. He, in return, makes us able to overcome. The Bible is clear that our spirit man wages war against our flesh. This isn't an abnormal thing. This is a daily thing! But the stronger we get with God, the easier it is recognize when our flesh is fighting us.

God wants to enlarge your tents, so to speak. His plans for all of us are huge, and He wants to see us enacting them. Get in agreement with Him, daily fight your flesh, and let Him use you. You'll see your vision becoming action, and your action become the opportunity of a lifetime!

Here are just a few reminders to keep you on the path toward your destiny:

• Don't be distracted from your God-appointed action.
• Stay in your lane. Don't try to direct someone else's actions - focus on your own.
• Use God's strength. You don't have enough of your own to create real action.
• Give all of your personal issues to God.

by: Deshawn Snow

Act to Create

If you want to live a dream life, not only must you decide what you want, turn your dream into measurable goals, break those goals down into specific action steps, and visualize and affirm your desired outcomes -- you must start taking action!

I recommend making the commitment to do something every day in at least three different areas of your life that moves you in the direction of your goal.

If one of your goals is physical fitness, make a commitment to do some sort of exercise -- aerobics, weight training, stretching -- four to five times a week for a minimum of twenty minutes.

I read recently that if you simply go for a 30 minute walk four times a week, that would put you in the top 1% of those people getting physical exercise!

If your goal is financial independence, start saving and investing a portion of your income every month with no exceptions.

If your goal is to write a book, write for a minimum of one hour every day.

Most people never get what they want because they let their fears stop them. They are afraid of making a mistake, looking foolish, getting ripped off, being rejected, being hurt, wasting their time, and feeling uncomfortable.

Fear is self-created by imagining catastrophic consequences that have yet to happen. It is all in your mind. In fact, you can actually scare yourself by imagining negative and harmful images. But simply stop the catastrophic thoughts and images, and the fear goes away.

One of the biggest fears that stops people from asking for support, guidance, advice, money, a date, a job, the sale, or anything else is the fear of rejection.

In fact, it's been known to literally paralyze people. They become tongue-tied and refuse to reach for the phone or get up and walk across the room. They break out in a sweat at the mere thought of asking for what they want.

I have come to realize that the whole concept of rejection is false -- that rejection doesn't really exist. Think about it for a moment. If you asked someone to join you for dinner, and they said no, you could tell yourself that you had been rejected. But think about it. Did you have anyone to eat dinner with before you asked them? No! Did you have anyone to eat dinner with after you asked them? No! Did your life really get worse? No. It stayed the same!

One of the secrets of success is to start acting like a success before you are one. Act as if. If you had already achieved your dream, what kinds of clothes would you be wearing? How would you act? How would you treat others? Would you tithe a portion of your income to your church or favorite charities? Would you have more self-confidence? Would you take more time to spend with your loved ones?

I suggest that you begin to do those things now!

When I decided that I wanted to be an "international" consultant, I immediately went and applied for a passport, bought an international clock that told me what time it was anywhere in the world, printed business cards with the words "International Self-Esteem and Peak Performance Consultant," and decided I would like to first go to Australia. I bought a poster of the Sydney Opera House and placed it on my refrigerator.

Within one month, I received an invitation to speak in Sydney and Brisbane. Since then, I have spoken and conducted trainings in over 30 countries and continue to expand my business around the globe.

Start acting as if you already have everything you want. Most people think that if they have a lot of money, they could do the things they want to do, and they would be much happier. In fact, the reverse is true.

If you start by creating a state of happiness and abundance, then do the things you are inspired to do from that state of being, you will end up having all the things you ultimately desire.


Remember, the proper order of this is to start now and be who you want to BE, then DO the actions that go along with being that person, and soon you will find that you can easily HAVE everything you want in life--health, wealth and fulfilling relationships.

© 2009 Jack Canfield